New poster here! This is Ember, Pike’s girlfriend who got her into Pretty Cure! I’ve been working on a pretty ambitious meta series for this blog, but it’s kind of been stalled out for a while, so in the mean time, I’ve decided to introduce myself with a birthday tribute to one of my all-time favorite Cures, Arisugawa Himari, aka Cure Custard!
I’ve found that Himari is pretty direly underappreciated in Pretty Cure fandom! In my opinion, KiraPre as a whole is underappreciated, but I’ve also heard people specifically say that they found Himari’s arc underwhelming, which I really don’t get because I feel she had the most satisfying and well-constructed arc out of all six heroines in her season. Here, I’m going to break it down to try to explain why! It might get rambly, but I suspect that Himarin would appreciate a loving infodump as a birthday tribute even if it is a bit unpolished!
Continue reading Happy Birthday Himari!