I have been blogging, on and off, about various topics, for over ten years. Sometimes a lot of people read these and leave all sorts of comments. Other times, I’m lucky to get one or two people engaging with me. Often, it’s somewhere in the middle. The amount of engagement I get, however, does not have much of a bearing on the occasional return of the Urge to Scream On A Blog Somewhere. So here I am, back again.
When I first started this particular blog a couple of years back, I don’t quite think I was ready for it. My vision was for it to be a comprehensive place to discuss a wide variety of things across an entire genre. Which is all well and good, but there was a slight problem:
My girlfriend pulled me into Precure Hell.
Very specifically Precure Hell.
The result was that I soon realized I could scream the same things about Precure on Twitter over and over, and this blog quickly fell by the wayside. A little bit embarrassing.
But old habits die hard, and recently I’ve been thinking about doing something… a little too big for twitter.
Specifically, I want to scream about every episode of my favorite anime of all time. In detail.

I don’t… quite know what it is about Futari wa Pretty Cure in specific that makes me love it so fiercely. I really don’t. Is it the characters? The charm? The 2000’s aesthetic? The action?
I don’t know. I just know that it’s my favorite, and I want to share it with the world. Episode by episode.
If everything goes well – if this gets a good response, or even if I just like doing it – then I might continue it beyond one season. But for now, one season, my very favorite, seems like a reasonable goal.
So let’s give it a whirl.
NEXT TIME: Pretty Cure: Origins!